Logo Maison Villevert


Premium French Spirits

A collection

Epitomising the French art de vivre


With strong roots in our region and a contemporary vision that values our traditions and environment, we create, build and deliver innovative and durable brands that enhance the world of French spirits.  At Maison Villevert, we work in the present while anticipating the future.


Cocktail recipes

Maison Villevert's finest cocktail recipes... with the finest spirits

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Talented artisans since 1487

Jean-Sébastien Robicquet is the founder of Maison Villevert, named for a 16th century manor house in the Charente region in south-west France which is now the company’s headquarters.  Maison Villevert’s creations have become a benchmark in the world of premium spirits.  With considerable savoir-faire, Maison Villevert creates, produces and packages innovative spirits that reflect the French art de vivre.

Previously, there was no company in the Charente with such a broad skill set and portfolio – creating, producing, packaging and distributing an array of spirits including gin, vodka, tequila, vermouth, liqueurs and cognac.

The story began back in the early 2000s.  The new century lent impetus (and new ideas) to Jean-Sébastien Robicquet who built on his career in wines and spirits to create a start-up company.  In 2001, Diageo, global leader in spirits, was keen to create a new vodka… French, premium,  exceptional, unusual  and with a unique taste experience. The group approached Jean-Sébastien Robicquet who had the imagination and the know-how to create the first French grape-based vodka.  And this is how Cîroc came into being. Launched in the US in 2003 and championed by two brand ambassadors – American performer Sean John Combs and Jean-Sébastien Robicquet – Cîroc rapidly became one of the top 10 most prestigious brands in the world.  (Source:  International Wine and Spirit Competition 2014.)


Buoyed by his early success, in 2004 Jean-Sébastien Robicquet was inspired to create a new French gin – also grape-based – and with a unique taste experience:  a gin perfumed with grape flowers.  The delicate flowers bloom for just a few days in June and for this gin, they are picked by hand and distilled according to the methods used in perfumery. Another resounding success:  G’Vine, launched in 2006, was ranked in the global top three premium gins within ten years.

Since its inception, Maison Villevert, a family business, has created, developed and supported international spirits brands with the ambition of becoming the global benchmark for human-scale companies in the world of spirits.

Talented artisans since 1487

Jean-Sébastien Robicquet is the founder of Maison Villevert, named for a 16th century manor house in the Charente region in south-west France which is now the company’s headquarters.  Maison Villevert’s creations have become a benchmark in the world of premium spirits.  With considerable savoir-faire, Maison Villevert creates, produces and packages innovative spirits that reflect the French art de vivre.

Previously, there was no company in the Charente with such a broad skill set and portfolio – creating, producing, packaging and distributing an array of spirits including gin, vodka, tequila, vermouth, liqueurs and cognac.

The story began back in the early 2000s.  The new century lent impetus (and new ideas) to Jean-Sébastien Robicquet who built on his career in wines and spirits to create a start-up company.  In 2001, Diageo, global leader in spirits, was keen to create a new vodka… French, premium,  exceptional, unusual  and with a unique taste experience. The group approached Jean-Sébastien Robicquet who had the imagination and the know-how to create the first French grape-based vodka.  And this is how Cîroc came into being. Launched in the US in 2003 and championed by two brand ambassadors – American performer Sean John Combs and Jean-Sébastien Robicquet – Cîroc rapidly became one of the top 10 most prestigious brands in the world.  (Source:  International Wine and Spirit Competition 2014.)


Buoyed by his early success, in 2004 Jean-Sébastien Robicquet was inspired to create a new French gin – also grape-based – and with a unique taste experience:  a gin perfumed with grape flowers.  The delicate flowers bloom for just a few days in June and for this gin, they are picked by hand and distilled according to the methods used in perfumery. Another resounding success:  G’Vine, launched in 2006, was ranked in the global top three premium gins within ten years.

Since its inception, Maison Villevert, a family business, has created, developed and supported international spirits brands with the ambition of becoming the global benchmark for human-scale companies in the world of spirits.


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